Company Profile

Intelligence Netcare Sdn Bhd (INSB) was incorporated on the 13th September 2005 immediately made an humble start as an engineering and communication consultants. The management team backed with extensive experience in electrical, engineering and communication field steered the Company into a trusted engineering and communication consultant and managed to secure sizeable contracts.

The Company initially embarked into some medium scale engineering contracts since its incorporation. By the mid of year 2006 the Company performance accelerate and was awarded a sub-contract work to manage the construction, engineering and electrical works for 250 tele-centre  under the Ministry of Energy, Communication & Multimedia initiatives  under the Bridging Digital Divide program. INSB was tasked to handle   renovations, electrical and ICT networking works in those 250 tele-centres throughout Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. These tele-centres is to serve as an ICT education centre for the underserved communities.

The Company full pledged networking works started when it has secured the work for the installation of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) networking of Sultan Mizan Teachers Training Institute, Besut and subsequently the ICT networking works in University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat Johor.